Generation Z, Workforce, Business Acumen & HRM Responsibility

For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.” - Margaret Heffernan

One of the greatest challenges faced by the HRM is to bring the common understanding among workers from various generations (3) at corporate world to achieve organizational goals.

Cristina Simón, the professor at Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Spain had identified four generation existence at corporate workforce.

1.    Traditional Workers (born before 1946) 
2.    Baby boomers (1946 - 1960)
3.    Generation X (1961 – 1979)
4.    Generation Y (Millennials) (1980 – 1995)

Defining Next Generation Cohort after Millennials

The generation, traditional workers are getting archaic at the work place due to aging. USA Today had completed an online campaign in search of a name for the next generation after Millennials in year 2012 and the name Generation Z was born. iGeneration, Gen Tech, Gen W, Net Gen, Digital Natives and Plurals were the other names which were suggested. However, the age range of Generation Z is questionable as demographers were unable to agree upon a common ground.

Generation Z Characteristics, Education & Motives

Unlike other generations, Generation Z was born to a world where the internet technology was freely available. Thus, the Gen Z Cohort happened to grow up with “Smart Devices”, “Laptops” and ‘YouTube” by understanding the world through technology rather getting involved in human touch which addressed the Gen Zers by the name of “Digital Natives” (1) as well.  

Though Millennials called Gen Z cohort as being lazy, still 81% of Gen Zers believes that it’s important to embrace a college degree to pursue the career that they dream of (2).

The Cohort will not be afraid of moving on by changing the careers as the choice is abundant and convenience the key.

What would be the challenges of HRM to manage the entrance of Gen Z in to the work place?

Considering all above, question arises whether the present day HRM is ready to meet the need of Gen Z?

Are the technologies used at organizations good enough for the new generation? 

Strategies and Policies may need to keep the Gen Z Cohort Retainable at Workplace.

It’s very important to understand the existing practices and relationship between workers and technology. This has an impact always on social standards and dynamics. Transformation of workplace in to a digital platform will make Gen Zers more comfortable and retainable. HR may have the challenge on uplifting the digital practices and knowledge enhancement of existing workforce as to bridge the gap between these generations of workers.

The Gen Zers are believing in performance based culture rather considering the seniority and personal appearances. Thus, HRM need to create a culture for performance based compensation.

Office attire and working hours needs to be flexible to this young cohort as they only focus on the result orientation.  

The young generation is much more talented and complexed compared to the other generations. They have better tools and skills in resolving challengers in front of them in the modern-day context. 

Future Sustainability of Organizations with Generation Z

HRM holds the responsibility of staff motivation, development and retention ensuing organizational sustainability. In little words, it’s the steps what HR will take on embracing Generation Z cohort in to the work place and keep them retained to run the business.

Organizations which are more innovative, creative & dynamic will secure their place in business world by winning the hearts of Generation Z.

By Roshan De Zoysa   


  1. Nice Article Roshan!
    HRM of an organisation definitely need to identify how to motivate, develop and retain the Gen Z, if not organisations may face a high staff turnover.

    1. Anfas, Thanks you,

      Common HRM is risk-averse in implementing modern-day HRM practices, nor ingress to nurture workforce. Traditional HRM norms were imposed in order to maintain comfortability. Thus, Gen Z will be an eye opener to existing HRM practices.....

  2. Great article Roshan. It is true that Gen Zers are more comfertable in working in a workplace if it is more digitallized. It doesnt mean that they are lazy, but it would help them perfom more efficiently and effectively since they feel like its "home" and they wpuld enjoy beig in that environment.

    1. Yes, I deeply agree with you. Cohort been seen lazy as they are sitting on the smart device all day long. It becomes the blessing for them to embrace the world of knowledge been isolated.....

  3. Good one Roshan. As per my experience the real challenge is to get the 100% out of the Gen Zers. Along with all the characteristics you have mentioned above they are very easy going when it comes to taking responsibility. Additionally, they are extremely educated (in more than one area and even in non-related areas) and this leads them to change their job/ career path more frequently. Therefore organizations should not expect them to stick with the company for 5+ years (as it was a norm with previous generations) and HR should formulate strategies to get the best out of Gen Zers within a short time span.

    1. Your opinion is absolutely correct. Gen Z will not wait to get nurtured. HR would not have the 100% control over it. Cohort will move on frequently as plenty opportunities are available in the corporate world. Creating the organization an innovative, creative & dynamic will ensure the survival.....

  4. Organizational goal should look at the best traits that each generation each individual and brings to the table and then adapt accordingly. Sometimes Millennial employees adopt traditionalists beaviour therefore it is important to engage each person do drive workplacr strategies.

    1. Millennials were ruled by the baby boomers & traditionalist as technology evolvement was not par superior to the common day context.
      The transformation of digitalization has made corporate world crippled without the support of Gen Zers. The demand has shifted & staff retention would be a key element in modern-day sustainability.

  5. As mentioned I think Gen Z, those currently in around 20 years or more are now entering to the workforce. They have higher workplace expectations. They don't care about job security but concern about benefits and work life balance.

    In my experience HR Heads of SL are still finding solutions which the problems arrived from the Gen X and Gen y. I herd some leading private sector organizations are preparing their present employees to face the challenges coming from Gen Z who are more digitized, talented and qualified. I think they are more concern with performance based allowances than experience and other things.

    So HR Heads must taken this seriously, otherwise workforce in both Generations will get frustrated. It's a Great article Roshan.

    1. You are absolutely correct. HRM's ultimate goal is in finding the factors which changes the working environment and treat them with appropriate solutions. There are organizations, which i know of getting their employees aligned with digitalization elements. They make it very attractive in approaching their goal by understanding different calibre of workers from different generations in order make them driven towards the expected goal/s.

      The organisations who will understand this fact will thrive their business been successive whilst others will play mediocre role or even result in failure in their business.

  6. It is true where you have stated that Gen Z'ers are much lazier than other generations. Trying to retain Gen Z'ers which are very talented and skillful when it comes to dealing with the modern technology, an organization should consider a different approach compared to the previous generations. Creating an environment in the organization where they feel much comfortable ("feel like home") would be a good method to retain such talents in the organization.

    1. Gen Zers are very skilled full cohort and they are well aware of that, and it makes them look more lazier. It is easier for them to get work done at no time since they are conversant of technology and return back to their own tech world(fb, Instagram, YouTube, etc.). HR will a have greater challenge on tackling this cohort at workplace. HR must consider getting them involved with work by making the workplace more attractive & digital environment to ensure their retention.


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